Numbered Publications: Family and Consumer Sciences
NEP-225s: Cosechando Lo Suyo: El Brócoli
Rachel Rudolph, Rick Durham | Oct. 29, 2024 (New)
El brócoli es una hortaliza de temporada fresca que pertenece a la familia de los “crucíferos“ junto al repollo y la coliflor, entre otros. El brócoli puede crecer tanto durante el otoño como en la primavera y se puede comer de diferentes formas.
NEP-240: Growing Your Own: Spinach
Erika Olsen, Rachel Rudolph, Rick Durham | Oct. 28, 2024 (New)
Spinach is a cool-weather leafy green best grown in early spring and fall. Spinach leaves are tender and sweet to eat raw or cooked.
NEP-241: Growing Your Own: Garlic
Erika Olsen, Rachel Rudolph, Rick Durham | Oct. 17, 2024 (New)
Garlic is a flavorful garden vegetable used in countless recipes. In Kentucky, plant garlic in October and early November. Leave it in the garden for the winter, then harvest in early to mid-summer when leaves begin to turn yellow and brown at the tips.
NEP-239: Growing Your Own: Lettuce
Erika Olsen, Rachel Rudolph, Rick Durham | Oct. 17, 2024 (New)
Lettuce is an easy, cool-season vegetable grown in the spring and fall. Fill your garden with a rainbow of lettuce for fresh, low-cost salads.
FCS3-590: Seafood: Are You Reeling in the Benefits?
Ingrid Adams, Nellie Buchannan, Brenda Cockerham, Janet Tietyen-Mullins | Aug. 6, 2024 (Minor Revision)
Seafood includes a large group of marine animals that live in the sea, fresh water, lakes, and rivers. Fish such as salmon, tuna, trout, and tilapia, along with shellfish such as shrimp, crab, and oysters, are included in this group.
Seafood is an important part of a balanced diet because it contains high-quality protein, good fats called omega-3 fatty acids, and other nutrients. However, many of us do not include enough seafood in our diets to get the full range of benefits.
FCS3-562: MyPlate: Tools for Building a Balanced Plate
Ingrid Adams | Jul. 19, 2024 (Minor Revision)
Building a balanced diet is much like building a house: you must begin with a good foundation. A healthy eating foundation means including a variety of foods like fruits and vegetables, whole grains, dairy, and a mixture of lean proteins into an eating pattern.
FCS3-560: Beverage Breakdown
Ingrid Adams | Jul. 11, 2024 (Minor Revision)
Water, 100 percent fruit and vegetable juices, and unsweetened beverages like coffee, tea, and sparkling water provide proper hydration. However, we often see sweetened coffee drinks, soda, lemonade, energy drinks, sweet tea, sports drinks, and more sugar-sweetened beverages on the menu or shelves at the grocery store. Often, these drinks contain high amounts of added sugar and little amounts of valuable nutrients that support our health.
FCS3-524: Dietary Supplements: What are They and Who Needs Them
Sandra Bastin | Jul. 1, 2024 (Major Revision)
Choosing the right supplement is not a simple task, but with a little information, you can choose the best daily supplement for you. Traditionally, dietary supplements are products made of one or more essential nutrients, like vitamins and minerals, but they may also include amino acids, botanicals, or herbal ingredients. Supplements come in many forms including capsules, pills, gummies, powders, drinks, and bars.
FCS3-525: Dietary Supplements: Be an Informed Consumer
Sandra Bastin | Jul. 1, 2024 (Minor Revision)
Vitamins, minerals, and herbal products are commonly referred to as dietary supplements. Botanicals or herbs, amino acids, and probiotics may also fall under the heading of dietary supplements. Sometimes, a health-care professional may recommend supplements to make sure an individual gets enough essential nutrients for the purpose of maintaining or improving health. Let's look at some basic information that will help you be a more informed consumer when choosing dietary supplements.
FCS3-105: Nonnutritive Sweeteners
Sandra Bastin | Jun. 25, 2024 (Minor Revision)
Sucrose, or table sugar, is one of the most widely used ingredients in the foods we buy. We compare the sweetness of all other sweeteners to sugar, which is classified as a "nutritive sweetener." Nutritive sweeteners not only add flavor to our foods, but they also provide calories from carbohydrates. They are found naturally in some foods, like fruit and milk, and are added to other foods. Other nutritive sweeteners found on ingredient labels include fructose, dextrose, lactose, maltose, honey, corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), molasses, invert sugars, concentrated fruit-juice sweeteners, sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol, and other sugars.