Numbered Publications: Family and Consumer Sciences
FCS8-121: Interacting with Someone with Cancer
Kerri Ashurst, Natalie Jones, Amy Kostelic, Heather Norman-Burgdolf | Jul. 23, 2020 (New)
Talking to someone with cancer often creates fears of saying something inappropriate or making the person upset. As a result, many people talk in whispers or opt to say nothing at all. This publication will provide tips on ways to communicate and interact with someone living with cancer.
FCS8-120: Understanding the Basics of Cancer
Kerri Ashurst, Natalie Jones, Amy Kostelic, Heather Norman-Burgdolf | Jul. 23, 2020 (New)
Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the U.S. each year. Kentucky faces the highest cancer occurrence and death rates in the United States. Fortunately, through prevention and treatments those numbers can be reduced.
FCS8-122: Caring for Someone with Cancer
Kerri Ashurst, Natalie Jones, Amy Kostelic, Heather Norman-Burgdolf | Jul. 23, 2020 (New)
As a cancer patient's needs change with the course of the disease and/or treatment, a primary cancer caregiver may wear many hats. They may serve as a companion, home health aide, chauffer, chef, housekeeper, financial manager or appointment maker. This publication will help caregivers prepare for the evolving emotional and physical demands of cancer caregiving and highlight ways to take care of oneself.
FCS8-124: Taking Care of Your Mental Health during Cancer
Kerri Ashurst, Natalie Jones, Amy Kostelic, Heather Norman-Burgdolf | Jul. 23, 2020 (New)
A cancer diagnosis can be a source of considerable emotional stress on both you and your loved ones. You may experience feelings of depression, anxiety and fear after a cancer diagnosis. This article discusses normal reactions to a cancer diagnosis and treatment as well as signs that you might have a mental health concern.
NEP-220s: Cosechando Lo Suyo: Un Manual para Principiantes de Huertos Urbanos: Los Ejotes
Rick Durham, Rachel Rudolph | Jun. 25, 2020 (New)
Los ejotes son faciles de sembrar y rapidos de producir cuando se recogen mientras todavia estan verdes o inmaduro. Ellos son aun mas nutritivos cuando se les permite madurar ligeramente para producir frijoles verdes "shelly beans".
NEP-219s: Cosechando Lo Suyo: Un Manual para Principiantes de Huertos Urbanos: Preparando Su Huerto
Rick Durham, Rachel Rudolph | Jun. 25, 2020 (New)
Una buena tierra es la base para un huerto saludable. La tierra suministra nutrientes a las plantas para el crecimiento y el apoyo para las raices. Una buena tierra ayuda a producir verduras saludables.
NEP-221s: Cosechando Lo Suyo: Un Manual para Principiantes de Huertos Urbanos: Los Pimientos
Rick Durham, Rachel Rudolph | Jun. 25, 2020 (New)
Los pimientos son relativamente faciles de cultivar y pueden proporcionar una cosecha consistente durante todo el verano. Puede comerlos crudos o cocidos para agregar sabor a muchos alimentos.
FCS5-474: Moving out of Your Parents' Basement: Should You Buy or Rent?
Caitlin Grasson, Jennifer Hunter | Dec. 12, 2019 (New)
It is increasingly more common for emerging adults to live with their parents for longer or to move back in with them after college. Either way, emerging adults (and their parents) have a goal of eventually being fully independent. Before moving out of your parents' house, there are some things you need to know, things you can be doing to prepare, and some things to consider. Let's start with some basics you may need to know before you get out into the real world by yourself.
FCS5-472: Savvy Sellers and Bargain Hunters: Online Edition
Alex Elswick, Jennifer Hunter | Oct. 4, 2019 (New)
For centuries, the town marketplace has been the hub of buying and selling. The same is true today, although the nature of the marketplace has changed. Buying and selling is shifting from brick-and-mortar-type stores to online retailers. The U.S. Census Bureau reported nearly $453.5 billion in e-commerce sales in 2017. As a consumer, it is important to know the pros and cons of online marketplace transactions. It is helpful to be aware of potential pitfalls when buying and selling online, ways to protect your identity, and which online marketplaces are available.
FCS5-473: Understanding Credit and Credit Scores as a Young Adult
Caitlin Grasson, Jennifer Hunter | Oct. 4, 2019 (New)
Talking about credit and credit scores can be both boring and overwhelming for young adults. However, it is important to know what credit is and how it impacts your future. Do not put off learning about credit scores until you are ready to buy your first house or car. Being proactive can help you avoid future headaches and put you on a path toward being an independent adult.