Numbered Publications: Family and Consumer Sciences
FCS2-849: Selecting Active Wear
Janet Tietyen-Mullins | Jul. 7, 2011 (New)
Selecting active wear is more than fashion sense. Clothing protects you from injury, offers comfort, and encourages you to stay active.
FCS2-847: Face Shape and Hair Care
Kim Miller-Spillman, Pam Sigler, Janet Tietyen-Mullins | Jul. 7, 2011 (New)
When selecting a hair style, consider the shape of your face. What style will compliment that shape? What attributes do you want to emphasize?
FCS5-443: Preparing for the Unexpected: Disability Insurance
Jennifer Hunter | May. 2, 2011 (New)
Disability insurance is one of the most needed but most overlooked types of insurance. A disability can be just as financially devastating to a family as the death of a breadwinner.
CLD1-10: Speaking for Success: How to Influence Others
Katie Keith, Kristina Ricketts | Apr. 26, 2011 (New)
Because public speaking plays such an important role in society, learning to be an effective speaker can lead to more successful results for any group or organization.
FCS3-335: Freezing Vegetables
Sandra Bastin | Mar. 28, 2011 (Reprinted)
PR-608: 2010 Fruit and Vegetable Research Report
Doug Archbold, Paul Bachi, Sandra Bastin, Julie Beale, Steve Berberich, Ric Bessin, Bob Caudle, Jennie Condra, Tim Coolong, Leighia Eggett, Vaden Fenton, Lucas Hanks, John Hartman, Nathan Howell, Kelly Jackson, June Johnston, Chlodys Johnstone, Patrick Kelley, Katie Kittrell, Janet Lensing, Amy Poston, Sara Long, Patty Lucas, Sean Lynch, Logan Minter, John Obrycki, Janet Pfeiffer, Sutapa Roy, Marc Ruberg, Rebecca Schnelle, Delia Scott, Kenny Seebold, Pam Sigler, Darrell Slone, Chris Smigell, John Snyder, Dave Spalding, John Strang, Ginny Travis, Joseph Tucker, Sarah Vanek, Jeff Wheeler, John Wilhoit, Mark Williams, Patsy Wilson, Dwight Wolfe | Dec. 20, 2010 (New)
Fruit and vegetable production in Kentucky continues to grow. The 2010 Fruit and Vegetable crops research report includes results for more than 34 field research and demonstration trials that were conducted in 20 counties in Kentucky.
FCS8-118: Ovarian Cancer: Understanding the Facts
Ingrid Adams | Jul. 27, 2010 (New)
Ovarian cancer occurs when cells in one or both ovaries grow out of control. Ovarian cancer can spread to other parts of the body if it is not found early. The cause of ovarian cancer is not known, but certain factors help you know if you are at risk for developing the disease.
FCS3-545: Eating Right for a Healthier You: Nuts and Seeds
Lisa Gaetke | Jul. 22, 2010 (New)
A healthy, balanced diet that includes whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds can protect against chronic illnesses, such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain cancers.
FCS7-192: Stand Up to Falling: Vision Impairment and Fall Prevention
Amy Hosier | Jun. 2, 2010 (New)
Whether vision impairment or disease, age-related trouble with vision increases the risk for falling and fall-related injury. A key to safety, wellness, and fall prevention is to keep your eyes healthy. Have regular eye exams, use appropriate prescriptions for glasses and contacts, and work with a doctor to maximize vision in both eyes.
FCS7-190: Stand Up to Falling: Medications and Fall Prevention
Amy Hosier | Jun. 2, 2010 (New)
Medication causes some older adults to fall. Many seniors are prescribed medications to treat various ailments or diseases, and such drugs may have side effects that lead to falls. Combinations of medicines also create greater chances for adverse drug interaction and/or side effects. Taking four or more prescription and/or over-the-counter medications significantly increases the risk for falling.