Numbered Publications: ID
ID-147: Establishing Horse Pastures
Bob Coleman, Garry Lacefield, Laurie Lawrence, Laura Schwer, Ray Smith, Bill Witt | Sep. 20, 2010 (Major Revision)
Kentucky and surrounding states are known for grass pastures and horses. Pastures supply nutrients, provide hoof support for exercise, control erosion, and add to the aesthetic value of horse farms. The ability to establish and manage horse pastures is therefore important to horse owners.
ID-183: Trail Riding Etiquette for Horse Enthusiasts
Fernanda Camargo, Bob Coleman, Jason Phillips | Sep. 20, 2010 (New)
When you're trail riding, you need to be aware of safety, not only for yourself and the horse, but also as a courtesy for other trail users. You should follow all general precautions about safe riding, but also follow practices that apply specifically to trails, whether you're riding alone or in a group, for a short or long distance, or for fun or competition.
ID-182: Wobbler Syndrome in Horses
Fernanda Camargo, Jennifer Janes | Sep. 13, 2010 (New)
Wobbler syndrome, or cervical vertebral malformation (CVM), is a devastating disease that can affect a horse's neurologic and musculoskeletal systems. It is a structural narrowing of the spinal canal due to a variety of vertebral malformations and leads to spinal cord compression. As a result, horses exhibit clinical signs of spasticity, ataxia, and lack of coordination.
ID-77: Nut Tree Growing in Kentucky
Ric Bessin, John Hartman, Terry Jones, Joe Masabni, John Strang | Apr. 22, 2010 (Major Revision)
Kentucky is generally well suited for growing nut trees. Northern pecans, black walnuts, heartnuts, hickory nuts, hardy Persian walnuts (Carpathian strain), American hazelnuts, and Chinese chestnuts all grow well in the state. Although most nut trees are grown by hobbyists and backyard gardeners, several varieties appear to have potential for commercial production, particularly some of the USDA pecan selections and some Chinese chestnut varieties.
ID-179: Evaluating the Health of Your Horse
Fernanda Camargo, Roberta Dwyer | Feb. 5, 2010 (New)
Horse owners, managers, and handlers can help to maintain the health of their animals by studying their behavior through observation and inspection, and should be able to accurately determine important measurements such as temperature, pulse, respiration, and mucous membrane color through a clinical examination. Having this information about your horse can be critical if the animal is ill or injured and you need to supply these details to your veterinarian.
ID-175: Riparian Buffers: A Livestock Best Management Practice for Protecting Water Quality
Carmen Agouridis, Amanda Gumbert, Steve Higgins | Sep. 22, 2009 (New)
In Kentucky, cattle on pastures are often watered by streams. Although this practice solves water requirements for cattle, providing livestock free access to streams and riparian areas can lead to a contaminated water supply and damaged ecosystems. A better solution is to implement riparian buffers with limited access points to streams or provide alternative water sources. This practice can protect water quality, increase herd production, and provide other landowner benefits. The purpose of this publication is to explain the role of riparian areas and how they can benefit the livestock producer, the herd, and the environment.
ID-178: Compost Bedded Pack Barns in Kentucky
Jeffrey Bewley, Joe Taraba | Sep. 16, 2009 (New)
Choosing the environment in which lactating dairy cows will spend the majority of their time is an important decision for dairy producers. This choice has considerable influence on productivity, health, milk quality, reproduction, animal well-being, and farm profitability. Innovative dairy producers have introduced a variation on the loose-housing system, generally referred to as a compost-bedded pack barn. Its key component is a large, open resting area, usually bedded with sawdust or dry, fine wood shavings.
ID-177: Comparing No-Till and Tilled Wheat in Kentucky
Dottie Call, Larry Grabau, John Grove, Jim Herbek, Don Hershman, John James, Doug Johnson, Jim Martin, Lloyd Murdock, Dave Sanford | Aug. 26, 2009 (New)
Historically, wheat planting in Kentucky has involved tillage. With conventional tillage practices, most residues from the previous crop are cut and buried prior to seeding wheat. No-till wheat planting eliminates tillage and reduces soil erosion, particularly on sloping soils, as well as reducing labor, machinery, and energy costs.
ID-176: Using Soil Cement on Horse and Livestock Farms
Spencer Guinn, Steve Higgins, Donald Stamper | Aug. 3, 2009 (New)
Most farmers in Kentucky can identify with a myriad of problems associated with mud forming around high traffic areas, including areas around horse and cattle waterers, feed bunks, round bale feeders, walk paths and gate entrances. Mud is usually a result of animals congregating in and around these areas, but increased traffic can enhance the problem. In many cases, finding solutions to mud problems on farms is not the issue--the issue is determining how to make solutions economical.
ID-174: Options for Controlling Canada Geese
Spencer Guinn, Amanda Gumbert, Steve Higgins | Jan. 15, 2009 (New)
The average Canada goose produces more fecal waste than a dairy cow on a per-weight basis. In addition, gaggles of resident Canada geese have been associated with problems of over grazing. Having large amounts of fecal waste around a riparian area that has limited vegetation can lead to the runoff of nutrients, sediment, and pathogens, which can contaminate ponds, lakes, and streams in Kentucky.