Numbered Publications: ID
ID-195: Sweetpotato Production for Kentucky
Ric Bessin, Tim Coolong, Sarah Fannin, Kenny Seebold, Tim Woods | Feb. 21, 2012 (New)
Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is a member of the morningglory or Convolvulaceae family. Sweetpotatoes have their origins in tropical America, with early remains having been found in Panama, Peru and Mexico. A perennial plant in their native regions, they are typically killed by frost when grown in a temperate climate. Sweetpotatoes are true roots and not tubers as is the case with the Irish Potato (Solanum tuberosum). Because they are true roots they will continue to grow and enlarge as long as the plant continues to grow.
ID-198: Benefits and Costs Associated with the Wheat Storage Hedge
Doug Johnson, Sam McNeill, Cory Walters | Jan. 24, 2012 (New)
Each year producers must decide whether to store or sell their crop at harvest. Market prices are important in guiding producers on whether to store priced grain for future delivery (referred to as a storage hedge), store unpriced grain, or sell. Generally, producers know more about deciding to sell or store unpriced grain than using the storage hedge. This publication explains how a storage hedge works, when to use it, and risks and costs involved. (See glossary for definition of terms.)
ID-197: Equine Viral Arteritis
Fernanda Camargo, Amy Lawyer, Peter Timony | Nov. 14, 2011 (New)
Equine viral arteritis (EVA) is a contagious disease of horses and other equine species caused by equine arteritis virus (EAV) that is found in horse populations in many countries. It was first isolated and identified in 1953 from the lung of an aborted fetus with characteristic pathologic changes in the smaller arteries, which is how the disease got its name.
ID-193: Profitability of Nitrogen Applications for Stockpiling Tall Fescue Pastures: 2011 Guide
Kenny Burdine, Greg Halich, John Johns, Lloyd Murdock, Ray Smith | Oct. 5, 2011 (New)
The concept of stockpiling is pretty straightforward, but the challenge each year is to determine the likelihood that this practice will be profitable given the economic and agronomic conditions present at mid-summer. This practice can yield significant benefits, but it also carries significant costs. These benefits and costs must be quantified and compared to assess the overall profitability of the practice.
ID-191: Climate Change: A Brief Summary for Kentucky Extension Agents
Tom Barnes, Ric Bessin, Jeffrey Bewley, Roy Burris, Tim Coolong, Lee Meyer, Joe Taraba, Paul Vincelli, George Wagner | Sep. 20, 2011 (New)
Nearly all climate science experts agree that global warming is occurring and that it is caused primarily by human activity. Regardless of what you may read on blogs or in the media, there is no meaningful scientific controversy on these points. The future impacts of global warming are difficult to predict, but the changes caused by greenhouse gases are expected to increasingly affect Kentucky agriculture.
ID-187: Woodland Winter Feeding of Cattle: Water Quality Best Management Practices
Steve Higgins, Jeff Stringer, Sarah Wightman | May. 5, 2011 (New)
Cattle maintain their body temperature in winter by burning more calories, which requires them to consume more feed. Livestock producers use wooded areas to provide protection for cattle from wind and low temperatures. That protection enables the cattle to conserve energy and eat less. Using wooded areas for winter feeding makes practical sense, but producers need to consider several environmental issues when planning for it.
ID-186: Managing Legume Induced Bloat in Cattle
Michelle Arnold, Roy Burris, David Ditsch, Garry Lacefield, Jeff Lehmkuhler | Mar. 10, 2011 (New)
Ruminal tympany, or bloat, can result in lost animal performance and in severe cases, death. It occurs as a result of a buildup of fermentation gases in the rumen. Bloat may be categorized as frothy bloat, which is caused by the formation of a stable foam in the rumen, or free gas bloat, which is due to excessive production of gaseous compounds from fermentation or as a result of an obstruction preventing the escape of gas compounds. Legume bloat is a frothy bloat condition.
ID-171: Using Dry Lots to Conserve Pastures and Reduce Pollution Potential
Roberta Dwyer, Steve Higgins | Feb. 16, 2011 (Reprinted)
ID-74: Planning Fencing Systems for Intensive Grazing Management
Curtis Absher, Ken Evans, Larry Turner | Feb. 16, 2011 (Reprinted)
ID-185: Planting a Riparian Buffer
Carmen Agouridis, Chris Barton, Amanda Gumbert, Sarah Wightman | Sep. 28, 2010 (New)
Actively creating a riparian buffer typically consists of six steps: site assessment, planting plan development, site preparation, species selection, planting, and protection and maintenance.