Numbered Publications: Animal and Food Sciences
ASC-137: Accomplishing a Sound Dairy Nutritional Program
Donna Amaral-Phillips, Roger Hemken, Jack McAllister | Oct. 1, 1992 (New)
ASC-135: More Milk = More Feed
Donna Amaral-Phillips, Bill Crist, Roger Hemken | Oct. 1, 1992 (New)
ASC-138: Role of Nutrition on Reproductive Performance
Donna Amaral-Phillips, George Heersche | Oct. 1, 1992 (New)
ASC-139: Balancing Rations for Dairy Cows
Donna Amaral-Phillips | Aug. 1, 1992 (New)
ASC-134: Should You Be Feeding Fat to Your Dairy Cows?
Donna Amaral-Phillips, Roger Hemken, Jack Jackson | Aug. 1, 1992 (New)
ASC-12: Balancing Rations
Roy Burris, Nelson Gay, John Johns, Dave Patterson | May. 31, 1991 (Minor Revision)
Because feed costs are the major cost of producing beef, making the most efficient use of feeds is of prime importance in determining profits. Rations must be properly balanced for cattle to use feeds most efficiently. Ration balancing is another management tool the efficient producer can use to maximize profits.
IP-11: Food Safety Residues in Animal-Derived Foods
John Johns | Aug. 1, 1990 (New)
ASC-127: Producing and Marketing High Quality Wool
Monte Chappell | May. 1, 1990 (New)
ASC-120: Forages for Horses
Charles Dougherty, Craig Wood | May. 1, 1989 (New)
ASC-119: Economical Alternative Feeds for Sheep
Monte Chappell, Don Ely | Apr. 1, 1989 (New)