Numbered Publications: Family and Consumer Sciences
FCS3-208: Fat Replacers
Sandra Bastin | Sep. 19, 1997 (Reprinted)
IP-3: Testing Private Water Sources
Jenny Cocanougher, Linda Heaton, Kim Henken, Tom Ilvento, Joe Taraba | Sep. 1, 1997 (New)
FCS7-138: Family Vitality: Characteristics of Strong Families
Sam Quick | May. 20, 1997 (Reprinted)
Living in a family means living with constant change, and change often causes stress. Some families, however, consistently are better than others at coping with the stress that some problems create. Family scientists call these successful families "strong families." Various scales measuring factors such as the quality of the marriage relationship and the quality of parent-child relationships help to distinguish between strong and not-so-strong families.
FCS2-105: What's Your Etiquette I.Q.?
Linda Adler | Sep. 1, 1996 (Reprinted)
FCS5-111: How Finance Charges Are Calculated on Credit Card Accounts
Sue Badenhop | Jul. 31, 1996 (Reprinted)
FCS2-319: Tips for Laundering Pesticide-Contaminated Clothing
Linda Heaton | Jun. 1, 1996 (Reprinted)
FSHE-1: Kentucky Winter Squash and Pumpkin
Sandra Bastin | May. 7, 1996 (Reprinted)
IP-36: Making Yogurt at Home
Clair Hicks, Fudeko Maruyama | Oct. 1, 1995 (Reprinted)
IP-50: Fabric Insect Pests: Clothes Moths and Carpet Beetles
Betty Dedic, Mike Potter | Sep. 1, 1995 (Reprinted)
FCS3-200: Portable High Speed Convection Ovens
Sue Badenhop | Nov. 1, 1994 (New)