Numbered Publications: Entomology
ID-184S: Guia de Monitoreo de MIP para Problemas Comunes del Maiz Dulce (Elote) en Kentucky
Ric Bessin, Tim Coolong, Kenny Seebold | Dec. 22, 2023 (Major Revision)
Este manual es el resultado de los esfuerzos del equipo MIP para Vegetales de la Universidad de Kentucky. El financiamiento para esta publicacion en ingles fue proporcionado por el Programa de Manejo Integrado de Plagas y el Servicio Cooperativo de Extension de la Universidad de Kentucky. La version en espanol de esta publicacion fue posible gracias a fondos de la USDA Smith-Lever.
ID-172s: Guia de Monitoreo de MIP para Plagas Comunes de los Cultivos de Solanaceas en Kentucky
Ric Bessin, Nicole Gauthier, Rachel Rudolph, Shawn Wright | Dec. 22, 2023 (Major Revision)
Este manual es el resultado de los esfuerzos del equipo de MIP en vegetales de la Universidad de Kentucky.
Financiamiento para esta publicacion fue proporcionado por la Proteccion de Cultivos y Manejo de Plagas (CPPM), el Programa de Implementacion de Extension (EIP), propuesta No. 2021-70006-35440 de el Instituto Nacional de Alimentos y Agricultura de la USDA. La version en espanol de esta publicacion fue posible gracias a fondos de la USDA Smith-Lever.
FOR-174: Fall Webworms
Ellen Crocker, Jonathan Larson | Oct. 31, 2023 (New)
Fall webworms are native tent caterpillars that can be found throughout the United States and southern Canada. This species is distinguished by its "tent" constructed at the ends of tree branches, allowing caterpillars to feed gregariously on enclosed foliage. While these insects can cause heavy defoliation, especially during periodic outbreaks, fall webworms by themselves do not cause mortality in healthy trees and are typically not a serious concern meriting management. However, other tent-forming caterpillars may be confused with fall webworm (such as the eastern tent caterpillar) and learning to distinguish these species can be useful for understanding potential impacts.
ID-91: An IPM Scouting Guide for Common Problems of Cucurbit Crops in Kentucky
Ric Bessin, Nicole Gauthier, Rachel Rudolph, Shawn Wright | Oct. 20, 2023 (Major Revision)
Long before the term "sustainable" became a household word, farmers were implementing sustainable practices in the form of integrated pest management (IPM) strategies. IPM uses a combination of biological, cultural, physical, and chemical methods to reduce and/or manage pest populations. These strategies are used to minimize environmental risks, costs, and health hazards. Pests are managed, to reduce their negative impact on the crop, but they are rarely eliminated entirely.
ID-1: The Kentucky Extension Master Gardener Program
Sharon Bale, Tom Barnes, Jessica Bessin, Kenneth Clayton, Rick Durham, Bill Fountain, J.D. Green, Kelly Jackson, Krista Jacobsen, Jonathan Larson, Brad Lee, Kimberly Leonberger, Adam Leonberger, Gregg Munshaw, A.J. Powell, Edwin Ritchey, Rachel Rudolph, Robbie Smith, Matthew Springer, Lee Townsend, Nicole Gauthier, Stacy White, Mark Williams, Erica Wood, Shawn Wright | Aug. 24, 2023 (New)
Plants are essential to life on earth. Either directly or indirectly, they are the primary food source for humans and other animals. Additionally, they provide fuel, replenish the earth's oxygen supply, prevent soil erosion, slow down wind movement, cool the atmosphere, provide wildlife habitat, supply medicinal compounds, and beautify our surroundings.
ID-172: An IPM Scouting Guide for Common Pests of Solanaceous Crops in Kentucky
Ric Bessin, Nicole Gauthier, Rachel Rudolph, Shawn Wright | Aug. 14, 2023 (Minor Revision)
Proper identification of pathogens and insect pests as well as nutritional and physiologic disorders and even herbicide drift is essential to determining the proper course of action. The pictures included in this guide represent some common pests or problems that growers may encounter when producing solanaceous crops (tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, and potatoes) in Kentucky.
ID-139: A Comprehensive Guide to Corn Management in Kentucky
Carl Bradley, J.D. Green, John Grove, Greg Halich, Erin Haramoto, Cam Kenimer, Carrie Knott, Chad Lee, Travis Legleiter, Sam McNeill, Michael Montross, Hanna Poffenbarger, Dan Quinn, Edwin Ritchey, Montse Salmeron, Jordan Shockley, Tim Stombaugh, Raul Villanueva, Ole Wendroth, Kiersten Wise | Dec. 13, 2022 (Major Revision)
Corn is a summer annual crop that is grown widely across Kentucky, the United States, and around the world. In the United States, field corn is grown on about 85 million acres (34 million hectares) while sweet corn is grown on about 600,000 acres (240,000 hectares) and popcorn is grown on about 200,000 acres (81,000 hectares). Most of the field corn across the United States is yellow dent corn. In Kentucky, both yellow dent corn and white dent corn are grown. Corn acres in Kentucky peaked at 3.85 million in 1917 and have been around 1.2 to 1.5 million acres since the 1970s (USDA-NASS, 2020). Most corn in Kentucky today is grown in minimum tillage or no-tillage conditions. Most corn acres are rotated with soybean or wheat and double-crop soybeans.
PR-798: 2021 Fruit and Vegetable Research Report
Ric Bessin, Win Dunwell, Nicole Gauthier, Krista Jacobsen, Rachel Rudolph, John Strang, Raul Villanueva, Shawn Wright | Dec. 13, 2021 (New)
The 2021 Fruit and Vegetable Crops research report includes results from 12 different projects. The majority of projects were conducted on research farms, but a few were conducted on commercial farms with the assistance of grower-cooperators. We are truly grateful to the growers who invest their time, energy, and land in supporting research. Their contributions help other growers, and that is of immeasurable value. Research was conducted by University of Kentucky faculty and staff from the horticulture, plant pathology, and entomology departments, as well as faculty and staff of Kentucky State University.
PPFS-OR-H-11: Common Problems of Annuals and Perennials: An Index
Ellen Crocker, Jamie Dockery, Nicole Gauthier, Jonathan Larson, Kimberly Leonberger | Aug. 2, 2021 (New)
PPFS-OR-W-31: Common Problems of Common Shrubs: An Index
Ellen Crocker, Jamie Dockery, Nicole Gauthier, Jonathan Larson, Kimberly Leonberger | Jul. 19, 2021 (New)