Numbered Publications: ID
ID-239: Equine Metabolic Syndrome: Is My Horse Just Fat, or Is He Sick?
Amanda Adams, Fernanda Camargo | Oct. 4, 2016 (New)
Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS) is an endocrine disorder that affects equids (horses, ponies, and donkeys) in three defining ways: they are obese and/or have localized fat deposits, they are in an insulin resistance (IR) state, now referred to as insulin dysregulation (ID), and they are predisposed to developing laminitis.
ID-237: Soil Percolation: A Key to Survival of Landscape Plants
Ellen Crocker, Rick Durham, Bill Fountain | Sep. 14, 2016 (New)
Eighty to 90 percent of disease and insect problems on landscape plants can be traced back to soil problems. Plants must be adapted to the site if they are to meet our expectations of growing, remain healthy, and attractive.
ID-236: Providing Water for Beef Cattle in Rotational Grazing Systems
Steve Higgins, Kevin Laurent, Lee Moser | Aug. 2, 2016 (New)
Water is the most essential nutrient for cattle production. Water is used in almost every bodily function, including digestion, milk production, and excretion. Given the role and function of water in relation to animal production, health, and welfare, it is critical that abundant, clean water is available in any livestock production operation. Livestock must have immediate access to water within every paddock of a rotational grazing system to realize maximum efficiency and production.
ID-211: Kentucky Nutrient Management Planning Guidelines (KyNMP)
Amanda Gumbert, Steve Higgins, Kylie Schmidt | Mar. 4, 2016 (Minor Revision)
Nutrients are constantly cycling through farms. Nutrients come onto a farm in the form of feed, commercial fertilizers, manure, or compost, and they leave the farm with harvested crops, sold livestock, and off-site disposal of manure and other waste. Sometimes nutrients are even lost to the air, soil, or water. Nutrient management allows farmers to use nutrients wisely for optimal economic benefit with minimal impact on the environment.
ID-125: A Comprehensive Guide to Wheat Management in Kentucky
Bill Bruening, J.D. Green, John Grove, Jim Herbek, Don Hershman, Doug Johnson, Chad Lee, Jim Martin, Sam McNeill, Michael Montross, Lloyd Murdock, Doug Overhults, Greg Schwab, Lee Townsend, Dick Trimble, Dave Sanford | Feb. 23, 2016 (Reprinted)
The soft red winter wheat grown in Kentucky is the fourth most valuable cash crop in the state. Winter wheat has been an integral part of crop rotation for Kentucky farmers. Wheat is normally harvested in June in Kentucky and provides an important source of cash flow during the summer months.
ID-234: Grain Sorghum (Milo) Production in Kentucky
Carl Bradley, Doug Johnson, Carrie Knott, Chad Lee, Jim Martin, Sam McNeill, Edwin Ritchey | Feb. 8, 2016 (New)
Grain sorghum can be used for a variety of purposes including animal feed, unleavened breads, cakes, wallboard, starch, dextrose, brooms, ethanol, high quality wax, and alcoholic beverages. Grain sorghum produced in Kentucky is most commonly used for animal feed and was first grown here in the 1920s. Although acreage in Kentucky has fluctuated considerably over the years, yields have generally exceeded the national average since the 1970s, indicating that grain sorghum is an option for producers interested in diversifying grain crop operations.
ID-233: Tomato Disease Management in Greenhouses
Shubin Saha | Dec. 22, 2015 (New)
Tomato is, by far, the most common vegetable crop grown in greenhouses in Indiana and Kentucky. This publication examines common tomato diseases of the greenhouse and provides management recommendations.
ID-229: All-Weather Surfaces for Cattle Watering Facilities
Steve Higgins, Kevin Laurent, Kylie Schmidt, Donald Stamper | Jul. 28, 2015 (New)
Strategically locating the watering facility will also provide production benefits such as increased forage utilization and improved access to water, and may possibly reduce the cost per pasture of providing water. This publication will provide guidelines for the location, design, and construction of all-weather surfaces for cattle watering facilities.
ID-231: Forage-Related Cattle Disorders: Acute or Atypical Interstitial Pneumonia (AIP)
Michelle Arnold, Jeff Lehmkuhler | Jul. 17, 2015 (New)
In the Southeastern United States, acute interstitial pneumonia has been produced by ingestion of the leaves and seeds of perilla mint (Perilla frutescens). Perilla ketone is the toxin absorbed from the rumen into the bloodstream and carried to the lungs where it damages the lung tissue in cattle.
ID-91s: Guia de Monitoreo de MIP para Plagas Comunes de los Cultivos Cucurbitaceos en Kentucky
Ric Bessin, Tim Coolong, Cheryl Kaiser, Kenny Seebold | Jul. 15, 2015 (New)
Esta guia cubre los problemas abioticos y bioticos mas comunes que ocurren en cucurbitaceas (Familia Curcubitaceae) en Kentucky. Este grupo de plantas, al que tambien se refiere como enredaderas trepadoras, incluye al pepino, melon (cantalope), sandia, melones especiales, calabazas (o zapallos), calabacines, y cogordas (conocidas tambien como calabazas de peregrino, ayotes, jicaras, o porongos [gourds en ingles]).