Numbered Publications: Agricultural Economics
ID-136: No-Till Small Grain Production in Kentucky
John Grove, Jim Herbek, Don Hershman, Doug Johnson, Jim Martin, Sam McNeill, Lloyd Murdock, Dick Trimble, Dave Sanford, Bill Witt | May. 1, 2000 (New)
AEC-88: Dairy Simulation of Put Options
John Anderson, Greg Ibendahl | Jan. 31, 2000 (New)
AEC-87: Put Options as Price Insurance for Dairy Farmers
John Anderson, Greg Ibendahl | Jan. 31, 2000 (New)
AEC-85: Risk Management Tools for Dairy Farmers: Dairy Futures Contracts
John Anderson, Greg Ibendahl | Jan. 30, 2000 (New)
AEC-86: Risk Management Tools for Dairy Farmers: Options on Dairy Futures
John Anderson, Greg Ibendahl | Jan. 30, 2000 (New)
PR-423: Fruit and Vegetable Crop Research Report 1999
Bob Anderson, Doug Archbold, Ric Bessin, Gerald Brown, Bob Geneve, John Hartman, Terry Jones, Bill Nesmith, Brent Rowell, John Snyder, John Strang, Tim Woods | Dec. 31, 1999 (New)
PR-422: Nursery and Landscape Program: 1999 Research Report
Sharon Bale, Paul Cappiello, Win Dunwell, Rick Durham, Bill Fountain, Bob Geneve, John Hartman, Dewayne Ingram, Monte Johnson, Bob McNeil, Tim Phillips, Dan Potter, Mike Potter, A.J. Powell, Lisa Vaillancourt, Richard Warner, Tim Woods | Dec. 31, 1999 (New)
IP-57: Potential for Livestock and Poultry Manure to Provide the Nutrients Removed by Crops and Forages in Kentucky
Les Anderson, Jenny Cocanougher, Richard Coffey, Bill Crist, Ron Fleming, Kim Henken, Doug Overhults, Tony Pescatore, Monroe Rasnake, Bill Thom | Sep. 8, 1999 (New)
IP-56: Assessment of the Potential for Livestock and Poultry Manure to Provide the Nutrients Removed by Crops and Forages in Kentucky
Les Anderson, Jenny Cocanougher, Richard Coffey, Bill Crist, Ron Fleming, Kim Henken, Doug Overhults, Tony Pescatore, Monroe Rasnake, Bill Thom | Sep. 1, 1999 (New)
ID-116: Low Cost Post-Row Field Tobacco Curing Framework
George Duncan, Steve Isaacs | May. 1, 1999 (Minor Revision)