Numbered Publications: Ag Programs
HENV-707: Residential Stormwater Site Assessment
Amanda Gumbert, Lee Moser | Apr. 22, 2022 (New)
Urban areas can impact both the quality and quantity of water in local waterways. Homeowners can help protect water resources by utilizing stormwater management practices on their property. These practices, sometimes called green infrastructure or Low-Impact Development (LID) practices, aim to manage stormwater where it is generated instead of sending it into a storm sewer system. To select the best practices for residential settings it is important to make a site assessment.
HENV-709S: Desbordamientos de Alcantarillado Sanitario: Riesgos y Responsabilidades de los Propietarios
Amanda Gumbert, Lee Moser | Apr. 22, 2022 (New)
Un sistema de alcantarillado es una red subterranea de tuberias que transporta aguas residuales (sucias) desde hogares y negocios hasta una planta de tratamiento.
HENV-708: Alternative Pavement Options for Residential Stormwater Management
Carmen Agouridis, Amanda Gumbert, Joe Luck, Lee Moser, Jonathan Villines | Apr. 22, 2022 (New)
Urban areas are characterized by impervious surfaces such as roads, driveways, sidewalks, and building roofs. Stormwater occurs when precipitation runs off these impervious surfaces. Stormwater can present both water quality and water quantity issues in urban watersheds. Water quality of local waterways is threatened when stormwater carries pollutants to streams and rivers; increased water quantity in these local waterways can damage streambanks, cause flooding, and create more water quality problems.
HENV-710: Sanitary Sewer Overflows: Lexington, KY Remedial Measures and Helpful Tips
Amanda Gumbert, Lee Moser | Apr. 22, 2022 (New)
A sewer system is an underground network of pipes that carries sewage and wastewater from homes and businesses to a treatment plant. There are two types of sewer systems. Modern sanitary sewer systems are designed to be a separate network of pipes and infrastructure from those that manage stormwater; these are known as separate sanitary sewers. Some municipalities still have combined sewers that manage both sanitary sewage and stormwater in the same pipes; these are known as combined sewers.
4AH-13PO: Eggplant Exhibit
Ashley Osborne | Jan. 13, 2022 (New)
The eggplant exhibit allows you to display the eggplant that you have grown in your garden. The exhibit is judged on each eggplant's condition and quality, and required number of specimen.
4AH-14PO: Summer Squash Exhibit
Ashley Osborne | Jan. 13, 2022 (New)
The summer squash exhibit allows you to display the summer squash that you have grown in your garden. The exhibit is judged on each squash's condition and quality, and required number of specimen.
4AH-12PO: Cantaloupe Exhibit
Ashley Osborne | Jan. 13, 2022 (New)
The cantaloupe exhibit allows you to display the cantaloupe that you have grown in your garden. Each cantaloupe exhibited is judged on the melon's condition and quality.
4AH-16PA: Exhibiting and Judging Vegetables
Ashley Osborne | Jan. 13, 2022 (New)
What makes certain vegetables "better" or of higher quality than others? Do you know which vegetables to choose for exhibition? Do you know how to prepare vegetables for exhibition? This factsheet will help you as you prepare to exhibit or judge vegetables. Vegetables will be evaluated on different criteria including condition, quality, uniformity, trueness-to-type, and size. Whether you are going to exhibit or judge vegetables, you will need to learn the characteristics of all of these criteria.
4AH-10PO: Windowsill Garden Project
Bill Fountain, Dick LeMaster, Ashley Osborne | Nov. 18, 2021 (New)
This guide is for volunteer leaders or county Extension personnel, and includes four lessons designed for youth in 3rd‐5th grades. Each lesson focuses on an aspect of seeds, plants, and/or gardening. Three additional experiments are included in the Digging Deeper section that youth can do independently or in a group or classroom setting. At the end of the guide, additional resources and an appendix are available. The National 4‐H Gardening Series, which includes 4 levels for grades 3rd‐12th and a Helper's Guide, is recommended if additional background information is needed. The National 4‐H Gardening Series includes projects and activities for youth that have an interest in continuing to learn more about plant science and gardening after completing their windowsill garden.
4HA-10PA: Annual Container Garden
Ashley Osborne | Sep. 1, 2021 (New)
The Annual Container Garden Contest is a perfect opportunity to showcase a container garden that you have created and cared for. Remember that this contest is specific to annual, non-vegetable plants. Annuals are plants that survive for only one growing season. Kentucky's cold winter temperatures kill outdoor annuals. Annual plants are grown for their unique foliage or colorful flowers.
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