Numbered Publications: 4-H Programs
4FF-03PA: Home Environment Project Unit 3: Where I Live
Isaac Hilpp | Aug. 30, 2021 (New)
In this project you will learn some guidelines for using the design elements. You'll learn how rhythm, balance, scale and proportion, emphasis and unity work together to make every project more attractive. You will have the opportunity to apply what you have learned while working on various projects and activities in and around your home. Some activities you can do by yourself. Other things you may want to do with other members of your family, your project leader or other club members.
4FF-04PA: Home Environment Project Unit 4: In My Home
Isaac Hilpp | Aug. 30, 2021 (New)
Unit IV: In My Home offers more opportunities for you to work with design and find out more about yourself, your home, and your community. You can explore what you like about your home and why it's a special place to be. You'll learn how to make things for your home. You can also learn more about your family--where your ancestors lived, how they lived, and what that means to you. And you'll be able to do things with other 4-H members and friends.
4FC-01LA: Code Name: Home Alone
Isaac Hilpp | Aug. 30, 2021 (New)
The Code Name: Home Alone Curriculum was developed by the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service to address the issue of youth being alone without an adult present. The curriculum focuses on youth and guardians learning about issues related to youth self-care, safety and overall well-being when they are home alone and/or with siblings without adult supervision. It stresses family communication through individual, group/classroom, adult and youth activities, and Family Newsletters. It is designed to be used in the classroom, and in 4-H groups, youth groups, family groups, and as self-passed lessons with a video guide.
4LE-07LO: Costa Rican Rainforest Binoculars and Terrarium
Aug. 29, 2021 (New)
Costa Rica is a country in Central America, bordered by Nicaragua to the north, the Caribbean Sea to the northeast, Panama to the southeast, and the Pacific Ocean to the southwest. It is not an island but is on the isthmus that connects North America and South America. Geographically it's a part of North America but has cultural roots in Latin America.
4LE-01LO: Mexico: Dia de los Muertos Paper Crafts
Aug. 29, 2021 (New)
Day of the Dead (or Dia de los Muertos) is an important part of Mexican culture. A two-day celebration of life and death, Day of the Dead is not a version of how we typically think of Halloween--it is a cultural tradition to honor lost family members. Death is perceived as a natural phase of life in Mexico, and those who have passed on are remembered in spirit and memory. It is believed that during Dia de los Muertos, the spirits of the dead return to earth temporarily.
4LE-05LO: Brazil: The Carnival Celebration
Aug. 29, 2021 (New)
According to Britannica (2019) Brazil is the largest and furthest East country on the South American Continent. Brazil shares a border with every South American county except Chile and Ecuador. Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world by size with 3,287,956 square miles of land and is the only country that the equator and the tropic of Capricorn run through it. Brazil is home to more than just the rainforest but also includes deserts and a variety of oceanic microclimates.
4AJ-05PA: Kentucky 4-H Poultry Judging Contest: Grading Table Eggs
Jacquie Jacob, Tony Pescatore | Aug. 29, 2021 (Major Revision)
Chicken egg production is a major agricultural industry in the United States. In a commercial egg production operation, eggs are evaluated for quality before being packed by weight (size). Egg quality is independent of egg weight and eggshell color. All shell colors are graded with the same standards.
4LE-02LO: Asian Cultures: Lanterns
Aug. 29, 2021 (New)
Lanterns are found in several cultures and symbolize different things. Each year Taiwan hosts a world-renowned Lantern Festival. The Lantern Festival is celebrated annually on the 15th day of the first lunar month to mark the grand finale of the Chinese New Year celebrations. It is also the very first full moon day of the New Year, symbolizing the coming of the spring.
4LE-03LO: Japanese Culture: One Thousand Paper Cranes
Aug. 29, 2021 (New)
Origami has a rich and complex history that spans culture, class and geography, composed of the Japanese words oru (to fold) and kami (paper) (PBS, 2017). Paper was first invented in China around 105 AD and was brought to Japan by monks in the sixth century. Handmade paper was a luxury item only available to a few, and paper folding in ancient Japan was strictly for ceremonial purposes, often religious in nature (PBS, 2017). Traditional origami is characterized by open-access folding patterns and sequences passed down orally or anonymously from generation to generation. Modern origami often features models created by designers (PBS, 2017).
4LE-06LO: Peru: Llamas and Panpipes "Siku"
Aug. 29, 2021 (New)
People living in the Andes Mountains have been using llamas as pack animals (animals used to move supplies and equipment) for hundreds of years. "Siku" is one name used for panpipes or pan flutes played in Peru! Sizes of panpipes can vary in Andes regions. Many are small yet others are as large as 4 feet long. In this craft, you will be creating a version of a siku (panpipe) that incorporates the same technique!