Numbered Publications: FCS7
FCS7-209: Financial Capability: Why it Matters: In-depth Information for Educators
Carol Gnatuk | Apr. 21, 2014 (New)
Countless surveys and studies confirm that American youth and adults lack basic financial knowledge and skills. Several states now require the teaching of financial education in high school and even elementary school as one way to address the knowledge gap, though Kentucky is not one of them. But clearly the schools cannot do it alone. Parents can be the key to raising financially capable children.
FCS7-212: Relatives Raising Children: Coping with Lifestyle Changes
Carol Gnatuk | Apr. 21, 2014 (New)
The circumstances that make full time caregiving of children necessary usually are not ones grandparents or relatives would happily choose. Relatives step in as caregivers because they know their home is a more stable, loving environment for the child's well-being over the long term than placement in foster care. This publication describes some actions that you as a grandparent or relative who is parenting a child can take to manage the child and take care of yourself.
FCS7-213: Relatives Raising Children: Health and Safety Tips for Younger Children
Carol Gnatuk, Deborah Keys | Apr. 21, 2014 (New)
Raising grandchildren can be challenging and rewarding. Keeping children healthy and safe can be simple, but it does take thought and preparation. This publication provides suggestions and guidelines that may help.
FCS7-208: Building Your Preschooler's Financial Capabilities - Information for Parents
Carol Gnatuk | Apr. 21, 2014 (New)
Feeling able to manage financial resources is a life goal for most of us. It is also a skill we would like to teach our young loved ones. This fact sheet offers suggestions for adults as they help young children develop their ability to manage money, also known as financial capability.
FCS7-210: Media Advertising and Your Child
Carol Gnatuk | Apr. 17, 2014 (New)
As parents, how can we help young children to know the difference between advertising and information? This fact sheet helps parents to answer that question.
FCS7-211: Media Advertising and its Influence on Children: Educators
Carol Gnatuk | Apr. 17, 2014 (New)
How should educators assist parents and those taking the parenting role to guide young children in using money wisely when so much media advertising swirls all around them? Answering that question is the objective of this publication.
FCS7-207: Ten Tips for Talking with Your Child or Teen about Sexuality
Amy Hosier, Erin Yelland | Sep. 20, 2012 (New)
Parenting involves teaching children to maintain a safe and healthy lifestyle, which includes healthy sexual development. It is an important parenting responsibility to talk to your children about sex, sexuality, and related topics.
FCS7-188: Home Is Where the Health Is
Rosie Allen, Carol Gnatuk | Aug. 30, 2012 (Minor Revision)
FCS7-200: Life Story: What Is It and How Do You Write It?
Brian Downer, Amy Hosier, Glenn Watkins, Faika Zanjani | Jun. 22, 2012 (New)
Whether it is our own or that of someone we love, writing a life story can be a rich and rewarding experience. It is also a gift that can last for generation after generation. To get started, it is important to be organized, prepared, and flexible.
FCS7-203: Planning and Decision Making Through Life Story
Brian Downer, Amy Hosier, Glenn Watkins, Faika Zanjani | Jun. 22, 2012 (New)
Life story focuses heavily on the past, but we can use these experiences to help us think about and plan for the future.
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