Numbered Publications by Villanueva, Raul
ID-139: A Comprehensive Guide to Corn Management in Kentucky
Carl Bradley, J.D. Green, John Grove, Greg Halich, Erin Haramoto, Cam Kenimer, Carrie Knott, Chad Lee, Travis Legleiter, Sam McNeill, Michael Montross, Hanna Poffenbarger, Dan Quinn, Edwin Ritchey, Montse Salmeron, Jordan Shockley, Tim Stombaugh, Raul Villanueva, Ole Wendroth, Kiersten Wise | Dec. 13, 2022 (Major Revision)
Corn is a summer annual crop that is grown widely across Kentucky, the United States, and around the world. In the United States, field corn is grown on about 85 million acres (34 million hectares) while sweet corn is grown on about 600,000 acres (240,000 hectares) and popcorn is grown on about 200,000 acres (81,000 hectares). Most of the field corn across the United States is yellow dent corn. In Kentucky, both yellow dent corn and white dent corn are grown. Corn acres in Kentucky peaked at 3.85 million in 1917 and have been around 1.2 to 1.5 million acres since the 1970s (USDA-NASS, 2020). Most corn in Kentucky today is grown in minimum tillage or no-tillage conditions. Most corn acres are rotated with soybean or wheat and double-crop soybeans.
PR-798: 2021 Fruit and Vegetable Research Report
Ric Bessin, Win Dunwell, Nicole Gauthier, Krista Jacobsen, Rachel Rudolph, John Strang, Raul Villanueva, Shawn Wright | Dec. 13, 2021 (New)
The 2021 Fruit and Vegetable Crops research report includes results from 12 different projects. The majority of projects were conducted on research farms, but a few were conducted on commercial farms with the assistance of grower-cooperators. We are truly grateful to the growers who invest their time, energy, and land in supporting research. Their contributions help other growers, and that is of immeasurable value. Research was conducted by University of Kentucky faculty and staff from the horticulture, plant pathology, and entomology departments, as well as faculty and staff of Kentucky State University.
ID-268: Kentucky Grain Crop Production at a Glance
Carl Bradley, John Grove, Carrie Knott, Chad Lee, Travis Legleiter, Sam McNeill, Edwin Ritchey, Raul Villanueva, Kiersten Wise | Jan. 13, 2021 (New)
A quick resource on grain crop production.
ID-268P: Kentucky Grain Crop Production at a Glance (poster)
Carl Bradley, John Grove, Carrie Knott, Chad Lee, Travis Legleiter, Sam McNeill, Edwin Ritchey, Raul Villanueva, Kiersten Wise | Jan. 13, 2021 (New)
A quick resource on grain crop production. NOTE: This poster is 25 x 38 inches. ID-268 is the booklet-sized version.
SR-112: Science of Hemp: Production and Pest Management, 2020
Bernadette Amsden, Samantha Anderson, Ric Bessin, Susan Fox, Nicole Gauthier, Ross Guffey, Tom Keene, Tyler Mark, Bob Pearce, Christopher Schardl, Jonathan Shepherd, Frank Sikora, Desiree Szarka, Raul Villanueva | Mar. 13, 2020 (New)
Hemp is grown for fiber, grain, and cannabinoid extraction in Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Until recently, Cannabis sativa has been classified as a Schedule 1 controlled substance in the US. The Agricultural Act of 2014 (Farm Bill) allowed for reintroduction of industrial hemp under a pilot research program. Acreage increases and addition of state legislation resulted in over 78,000 acres of hemp grown in 23 states by the end of 2018. Hemp became a legal commodity under the 2018 Farm Bill, and by the end of 2019, over 500,000 licensed acres were documented across 45 states. Canada re-introduced the crop in 1998, and in 2018, almost 78,000 acres of hemp were licensed and planted.
PR-755: 2017 Nursery and Landscape Research Report
Win Dunwell, Bill Fountain, Bob Geneve, Dewayne Ingram, Dan Potter, Raul Villanueva, Paul Vincelli, Nicole Gauthier, Tim Woods | Jan. 18, 2019 (New)
The UK Nursery and Landscape Program coordinates the efforts of faculty, staff, and students in several departments within the College of Agriculture tor the benefit of the Kentucky nursery and landscape industry.
ID-249: A Comprehensive Guide to Soybean Management in Kentucky
Ric Bessin, Carl Bradley, J.D. Green, John Grove, Greg Halich, Erin Haramoto, Carrie Knott, Chad Lee, Travis Legleiter, Josh McGrath, Sam McNeill, Javier Reyes, Edwin Ritchey, Montse Salmeron, Jordan Shockley, Claire Venard, Raul Villanueva, Ole Wendroth, Kiersten Wise, Xi Zhang | Jun. 7, 2018 (New)
This publication provides information on soybean growth and development, principles of variety selection, and management practices to maximize soybean profitability in Kentucky.