Numbered Publications by Lee, Chad
ID-225: Organic Corn Production in Kentucky
Chad Lee, Will Martin, Sam McNeill, Lee Meyer, Michael Montross, Edwin Ritchey, Tom Sikora | Jan. 15, 2015 (New)
The number of organic dairy cows in Kentucky has been steadily increasing for years, yet there's not enough organic corn produced in the state to feed the growing herds. In short, a new market has developed in the state, but few local farmers are taking advantage of it. While Kentucky farmers are no strangers to corn, growing corn organically utilizes different management, cultural and marketing practices and requires new skills. And, importantly, organic production must follow an approved farm plan that allows farmers to sell their corn as certified organic. This publication is designed to be both an introduction to a new enterprise as well as a practical manual for those interested in pursuing organic corn production on their own farms.
PR-675: 2014 Kentucky Hybrid Corn Performance Test
Ron Curd, Cam Kenimer, Chad Lee | Nov. 3, 2014 (New)
The objective of the Kentucky Hybrid Corn Performance Test is to provide relative performance estimates of hybrid seed corn sold in Kentucky. The test attempts to treat every hybrid similarly in an unbiased manner. Agronomic practices that meet or exceed university guidelines are implemented at each location.
AGR-213: Soybean Nutrient Management in Kentucky
John Grove, Carrie Knott, Chad Lee, Edwin Ritchey | Apr. 24, 2014 (New)
Soybean grows best on fertile soils. For decades, the University of Kentucky has conducted field studies to establish the relationship between soil nutrient supplies and soybean yield. Adequate soil fertility must be present so that yields are not limited.
PR-659: 2013 Kentucky Hybrid Corn Performance Test
Ron Curd, Cam Kenimer, Chad Lee | Nov. 11, 2013 (New)
The objective of the Kentucky Hybrid Corn Performance Test is to provide relative performance estimates of hybrid seed corn sold in Kentucky. The test attempts to treat every hybrid similarly in an unbiased manner. Agronomic practices that meet or exceed university guidelines are implemented at each location.
PR-657: Soybean Management Verification Program, 2012
Jim Herbek, Chad Lee, Amanda Martin, Lloyd Murdock | Mar. 29, 2013 (New)
The 2012 Soybean Management Verification Program (SoyMVP) enrolled 19 fields across Western Kentucky, providing ten direct comparisons between University of Kentucky recommendations and producers practices for soybean production. All fields were scouted weekly and recommendations were made on the university portion of the field based on established thresholds and observations from agronomic research. The objective of these comparisons is to validate university research and identify areas for more research.
PR-642: 2012 Kentucky Hybrid Corn Performance Test
Bill Bruening, Jessica Cole, Ron Curd, Chad Lee, Bill Pearce | Nov. 12, 2012 (New)
The objective of the Kentucky Hybrid Corn Performance Test is to provide performance estimates of hybrid seed corn sold in Kentucky. The test has been conducted in an unbiased manner according to accepted agronomic practices.
PR-639: Soybean Management Verification Program, 2011
Jim Herbek, Chad Lee, Amanda Martin, Lloyd Murdock | Feb. 24, 2012 (New)
The goal of SoyMVP is to verify applied research at the University of Kentucky and to identify whether University of Kentucky recommendations are adequate.
PR-624: 2011 Kentucky Hybrid Corn Performance Test
Ron Curd, Chad Lee, Bill Pearce | Nov. 4, 2011 (New)
The objective of the Kentucky Hybrid Corn Performance Test is to provide performance estimates of hybrid seed corn sold in Kentucky. The test has been conducted in an unbiased manner according to accepted agronomic practices.
AGR-202: Corn Growth Stages and Growing Degree Days: A Quick Reference Guide
Chad Lee | Sep. 13, 2011 (New)
Corn growth stages are based on the leaf collar method, where fully emerged leaves (leaf collar visible) are used to stage vegetative development. Growing degree days (GDDs) are used to relate temperature to corn growth and development.
PR-622: Soybean Management Verification Program, 2010
Jim Herbek, Chad Lee, Lloyd Murdock, Jason Sarver, Greg Schwab | Apr. 6, 2011 (New)
The 2010 Soybean Management Verification Program (SoyMVP) consisted of 16 fields across western Kentucky which were split to give seven direct comparisons between University of Kentucky recommendations and producer practices for soybean production.