Numbered Publications by Kaiser, Cheryl
CCD-CP-87: Bell Peppers
Matthew Ernst, Cheryl Kaiser | May. 17, 2018 (Minor Revision)
Although bell pepper (Capsicum annuum) is a warm-season annual when grown in temperate regions, it is actually an herbaceous perennial when cultivated in tropical areas, such as its native Latin America. Bell peppers are considered "sweet" since they lack the pungent chemical (capsaicin) present in hot peppers.
CCD-CP-88: Broccoli
Matthew Ernst, Cheryl Kaiser | May. 15, 2018 (Minor Revision)
Broccoli (Brassica oleracea) is a cool-season crop that performs poorly in hot weather. As a member of the crucifer family, broccoli is closely related to other cole crops, such as cabbage, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts.
CCD-CP-104: Microgreens
Matthew Ernst, Cheryl Kaiser | May. 8, 2018 (Minor Revision)
Microgreens are young, tender, edible crops that are harvested as seedlings. These tiny plants are grown to the first true leaf stage. They should not be confused with sprouts, which are germinated seeds lacking true leaves. Microgreens are sold as a raw product for use in salads, on sandwiches, and as a garnish.
CCD-CP-113: Potatoes
Matthew Ernst, Cheryl Kaiser | Apr. 17, 2018 (Minor Revision)
The potato (Solanum tuberosum) is a cool-season plant originally from the Andes Mountains of South America. The tubers are underground stems, not roots. Potatoes are most often grown in Kentucky as an early crop for fresh market consumption.
CCD-CP-101: Hot Peppers and Specialty Sweet Peppers
Matthew Ernst, Cheryl Kaiser | Apr. 13, 2018 (Minor Revision)
Hot peppers, also known as chili (or chile) peppers, owe most of their "heat" or pungency to a chemical substance called capsaicin. This chemical is concentrated in the cross walls of the fruit and around the developing seeds. Chili peppers can be mild to fiery hot, depending on the amount of capsaicin present. The amount of capsaicin in peppers is measured in Scoville Heat Units (SHU). Currently, the hottest pepper is considered to be the 'Carolina Reaper' which has 2.2 million SHUs. A combination of genetics and environment are responsible for the amount of heat in hot peppers. Peppers that do not contain capsaicin, such as bell peppers (0 SHUs), are considered "sweet." In addition to the hot types, other specialty peppers include sweet varieties of unusual shape, size and/or color.
CCD-CP-70: Field-grown Specialty Cut Flowers
Matthew Ernst, Cheryl Kaiser | Apr. 9, 2018 (Minor Revision)
Cut flowers can be grown in open fields or in protected environments such as high tunnels or environmentally controlled greenhouses and sold fresh or dried. Non-flowering cut stems, such as seed heads, stalks and woody cuts, may also be grown for floral or decorative purposes. Cut flowers and cut stems are well-suited to small-scale production and are a good way to diversify or expand an existing farm operation. Specialty cut flowers can be sold by the stem, in bunches, or in mixed bouquets or value-added products.
CCD-CP-106: Okra
Matthew Ernst, Cheryl Kaiser | Mar. 20, 2018 (Minor Revision)
Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) is a heat-loving vegetable in the Hibiscus family. It is particularly popular in the South, where the immature pods are used as an ingredient and thickening agent in soups, stews and gumbos. Okra can also be boiled, fried or pickled.
CCD-CP-91: Cauliflower
Matthew Ernst, Cheryl Kaiser | Mar. 15, 2018 (Minor Revision)
Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea) is a cool-season crop in the crucifer family. While it is closely related to broccoli and cabbage, cauliflower is more exacting in its environmental requirements than other cole crops. Cauliflower is very sensitive to unusually hot weather, temperatures that are too low, and drought. It is also subject to black rot and other diseases.
CCD-SP-9: Starting a Nursery Business
Matthew Ernst, Cheryl Kaiser | Mar. 14, 2018 (Minor Revision)
The nursery business involves the production and marketing of various plants including trees, shrubs, grasses, perennial and annual flowers, and fruit trees. A landscaping service, garden center, or sod farm may also be associated with a nursery enterprise. A successful nursery operator must be knowledgeable about all phases of plant production and be willing to work long, hard days. Good marketing and management skills are essential. A passion for ornamental plants and an entrepreneurial spirit add greatly to the chances for success.
CCD-CP-96: Ethnic Vegetables: Asian
Matthew Ernst, Cheryl Kaiser | Mar. 2, 2018 (Minor Revision)
Asian vegetables are generally those vegetable crops originating from East Asia (China, Japan, and Korea) and Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Laos, the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, and Myanmar). They may also include crops of South Asia (India and Pakistan). While often referred to as "oriental" vegetables, the term "Asian" is preferred. A number of these Asian crops have been successfully grown and marketed in Kentucky.