Numbered Publications by Gauthier, Nicole
PPFS-FR-T-12: Fire Blight
Cheryl Kaiser, Nicole Gauthier | Aug. 1, 2012 (Minor Revision)
Fire blight is a highly destructive disease of apple and pear that can occur in commercial orchards and home plantings. Many landscape trees and shrubs in the rose family are also susceptible to this disease. Fire blight can cause severe damage in a very short period of time. Because precise conditions are needed for infection, disease appearance is erratic from year to year.
PPFS-FR-T-13: Apple Scab
Nicole Gauthier | Aug. 1, 2012 (New)
Apple scab is the most consistently serious disease of apple and flowering crabapple in Kentucky. This disease also occurs on hawthorn and mountain ash; a similar disease affects pear and pyracantha (firethorn). The most noticeable losses on apple result from reduced fruit quality and from premature drop of infected fruit. Scab also causes a general weakening of the host when leaves are shed prematurely. Summer defoliation of flowering crabapple due to scab invariably results in fewer flowers the next spring.
PPFS-OR-W-3: Black Root Rot of Ornamentals
Paul Bachi, Julie Beale, Cheryl Kaiser, Nicole Gauthier | May. 1, 2012 (Minor Revision)
Black root rot can affect a wide range of ornamentals in home and commercial landscapes, nurseries, and greenhouses. In Kentucky, this disease is commonly observed on Japanese and blue hollies, inkberry, pansy, petunia, and vinca. In addition to ornamentals, numerous vegetable and agronomic crops are susceptible.
PPFS-OR-W-16: Rose Rosette Disease
Cheryl Kaiser, Nicole Gauthier | May. 1, 2012 (New)
Rose rosette is a devastating disease that is a threat to virtually all cultivated roses (Rosa spp.) in Kentucky, regardless of cultivar. Even rose cultivars known for their exceptional disease resistance and hardiness are susceptible to rose rosette disease. Losses can occur in home and commercial landscapes, nurseries, and botanical garden plantings.
ID-118: Roses
Sharon Bale, Rick Durham, Tim Phillips, Lee Townsend, Nicole Gauthier | Mar. 27, 2012 (Major Revision)
Roses have many landscape uses. They can be placed as accent plants or used to form hedges or ground covers. They offer a rainbow of colors and a variety of forms and fragrances, and their sizes range from miniatures to tall climbing plants. Roses may be grown under many climatic and soil conditions and, with care, thrive and produce flowers for many years.
PPFS-OR-W-15: Sample Submission Protocol for Diagnosis of Thousand Cankers Disease in Walnut
Paul Bachi, Julie Beale, Brenda Kennedy, Nicole Gauthier | Feb. 1, 2012 (New)
Thousand cankers disease (TCD) is a fatal disease of black walnut (Juglans nigra), and most recently, butternut (Juglans cinerea). The disease complex involves a fungus that is carried to trees by the walnut twig beetle, causing numerous cankers on branches and killing trees 5 to 6 years after infection. The disease complex is widespread in the western U.S., and has recently been identified in Tennessee, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.
PPFS-GEN-3: Damping-off of Vegetables and Herbaceous Ornamentals
Kenny Seebold, Nicole Gauthier | Feb. 1, 2012 (New)
Damping-off can occur on any herbaceous crop grown from seed, including vegetables, ornamentals, and field crops. Seeds, seedlings, and young plants may be affected, resulting in poor stands in home gardens, greenhouses, and commercial fields. Losses to damping-off can be severe, especially when cool, wet weather prevails at seeding or seed emergence.
PR-626: 2011 Fruit and Vegetable Research Report
Doug Archbold, Paul Bachi, Julie Beale, Steve Berberich, Ric Bessin, Jessica Cole, Tim Coolong, Vaden Fenton, Lucas Hanks, John Hartman, June Johnston, Sara Long, Logan Minter, Janet Pfeiffer, Kenny Seebold, Pam Sigler, Darrell Slone, Chris Smigell, John Snyder, Dave Spalding, John Strang, Ginny Travis, Zheng Wang, Nicole Gauthier, Jeff Wheeler, Patsy Wilson, Dwight Wolfe | Dec. 20, 2011 (New)
The 2011 Fruit and Vegetable crops research report includes results for more than 19 field research plots and several demonstration trials. Many of these reports include data on varietal performance as well as different production methods in an effort to provide growers with better tools, which they can use to improve fruit and vegetable production in Kentucky.
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