Numbered Publications by Durham, Rick
ID-237: Soil Percolation: A Key to Survival of Landscape Plants
Ellen Crocker, Rick Durham, Bill Fountain | Sep. 14, 2016 (New)
Eighty to 90 percent of disease and insect problems on landscape plants can be traced back to soil problems. Plants must be adapted to the site if they are to meet our expectations of growing, remain healthy, and attractive.
PR-641: 2011 Nursery and Landscape Research Report
Sharon Bale, Win Dunwell, Rick Durham, Bill Fountain, Bob Geneve, John Hartman, Dewayne Ingram, John Obrycki, Dan Potter, Nicole Gauthier, Richard Warner, Tim Woods | Aug. 30, 2016 (New)
The UK Nursery and Landscape Program coordinates the efforts of faculty, staff, and students in several departments within the College of Agriculture tor the benefit of the Kentucky nursery and landscape industry.
HENV-205: Residential Rain Garden: Design, Construction, Maintenance
Rick Durham, Brad Lee, Brad Lee, Ashley Osborne | May. 1, 2014 (New)
This publication covers the design, construction, and maintenance of residential ran gardens. Rain gardens are one of several stormwater management practices that homeowners can use to reduce their property's negative impact on water quality and flooding.
ID-21: Disease and Insect Control Program for Home Grown Fruit in Kentucky
Ric Bessin, Rick Durham, John Strang, Nicole Gauthier | Apr. 29, 2014 (Reprinted)
Many homeowners in Kentucky grow a variety of fruits in their garden and are rewarded for their effort. One distinct advantage homeowners have over commercial orchardists is the diverse ecosystem of the home landscape (vegetable gardens, flower and fruit plantings intermixed with turf and landscape plants). Diversity often reduces the spread of insect and disease organisms and tends to keep their populations at lower, more manageable levels.
ID-52: What's Wrong with My Taxus?
Rick Durham, Cheryl Kaiser, Lee Townsend, Nicole Gauthier | Jun. 5, 2013 (Major Revision)
Taxus (yew) is an evergreen shrub commonly found in Kentucky landscapes. Numerous conditions can cause these shrubs to exhibit yellowing and browning symptoms. While diseases and insect pests can result in damage, Taxus troubles are often the result of adverse growing conditions. Pinpointing the specific cause requires a thorough examination of the affected shrub, an investigation of the surrounding area, and knowledge of possible stress factors.
PPFS-OR-W-17: Leaf Scorch and Winter Drying of Woody Plants
Rick Durham, Cheryl Kaiser, Nicole Gauthier | Jun. 1, 2013 (New)
Leaf scorch symptoms can develop whenever water needed for growth and health of plant foliage is insufficient. While symptoms are often due to unfavorable environmental conditions, leaf scorch can also result from an infectious disease. Symptoms, possible causes, and management of leaf scorch are discussed below.
ID-133: Vegetable Cultivars for Kentucky Gardens, 2013
Tim Coolong, Rick Durham, Terry Jones, Kenny Seebold, John Strang, Shawn Wright | May. 6, 2013 (Major Revision)
Gardening makes sense! Growing your own vegetables makes you feel self-sufficient and provides fresh, healthful food. Your surplus crop can be frozen, canned, or stored in cool, dry locations. To assure gardening success, start by selecting suitable vegetable cultivars. Planting resistant or tolerant varieties is one of the most effective ways for the home gardener to avoid destructive vegetable diseases.
HENV-508: Landscaping Septic Systems with Native Plants
Rick Durham, Brad Lee | Feb. 15, 2013 (New)
Septic system components sometimes have unsightly aboveground pipes, risers, ventilation systems, or large mounds. Homeowners can improve the appearance of these functional features through site design and, in particular, plant material selection.
ID-118: Roses
Sharon Bale, Rick Durham, Tim Phillips, Lee Townsend, Nicole Gauthier | Mar. 27, 2012 (Major Revision)
Roses have many landscape uses. They can be placed as accent plants or used to form hedges or ground covers. They offer a rainbow of colors and a variety of forms and fragrances, and their sizes range from miniatures to tall climbing plants. Roses may be grown under many climatic and soil conditions and, with care, thrive and produce flowers for many years.
PR-602: 2009 Nursery and Landscape Research Report
Sharon Bale, Win Dunwell, Rick Durham, Bill Fountain, Bob Geneve, John Hartman, Dewayne Ingram, John Obrycki, Dan Potter, Richard Warner, Tim Woods | Jan. 7, 2010 (New)
The 2009 report has been organized according to our primary areas of emphasis: production and economics, pest management, and plant evaluation. These areas reflect stated industry needs, expertise available at UK, and the nature of research projects around the world that generate information applicable to Kentucky.