Numbered Publications: HES Family Sciences
FCS5-452: Financial Strain and the Lemon Experience of Life
Bob Flashman, Jennifer Hunter | Nov. 13, 2012 (New)
If you find yourself facing financial strain, a common lemon experience, you can learn to deal with challenging economic conditions by rethinking your approach. By learning what is most important to you and your family, you can find new ways to make the most of your money and make your family happier in the process.
FCS5-458: Maximizing Your Dollars in Retirement
Jennifer Hunter | Oct. 9, 2012 (New)
Developing a monthly budget for your retirement expenses can help you feel more prepared to adjust to rising prices and unexpected expenses.
FCS5-457: Managing in Tough Times: Rebounding Your Finances after Recession
Jennifer Hunter | Oct. 9, 2012 (New)
Implementing good money management practices can help you rebound and allow you to be better prepared for future changes in the economy.
FCS7-207: Ten Tips for Talking with Your Child or Teen about Sexuality
Amy Hosier, Erin Yelland | Sep. 20, 2012 (New)
Parenting involves teaching children to maintain a safe and healthy lifestyle, which includes healthy sexual development. It is an important parenting responsibility to talk to your children about sex, sexuality, and related topics.
FCS4-416: Home Accessibility: Bathrooms
Amy Hosier, Ashley Osborne | Aug. 23, 2012 (New)
Universal design allows independence, safety, control and quality of life at home and in the community today and in the future. The following universal design features can help make your bathroom a safer and more user-friendly space in your home.
FCS4-414: Home Accessibility: One Size Fits All
Amy Hosier, Ashley Osborne | Aug. 23, 2012 (New)
A well-designed home promotes independence and allows us the satisfaction of being able to stay in control and remain at home as we age or as our needs change.
FCS4-418: Home Accessibility: Resources
Amy Hosier, Ashley Osborne | Aug. 23, 2012 (New)
The following information will help you find resources and support for improving your residential situations, assessing your needs and determining which modifications and assistive technologies are most appropriate for you.
FCS4-415: Home Accessibility: Bedrooms
Amy Hosier, Ashley Osborne | Aug. 23, 2012 (New)
Universal design allows independence, safety, control and quality of life at home and in the community today and in the future. The following universal design features can make your bedroom a safer and more user-friendly space.
FCS4-413: Home Accessibility: Assistive Technology
Amy Hosier, Ashley Osborne | Aug. 23, 2012 (New)
Assistive technology allows people to do things that they might not otherwise be able to do. It reduces the impact of a disability and increases the opportunity for enjoying an optimal level of safety and independence.
FCS4-417: Home Accessibility: Kitchens
Amy Hosier, Ashley Osborne | Aug. 23, 2012 (New)
Universal design allows independence, safety, control and quality of life at home and in the community today and in the future. The following universal design features can make your kitchen a safer and more user-friendly space.
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