Numbered Publications by Aaron, Debra
ASC-243: Managing Dry, Open Ewes
Debra Aaron, Don Ely | Jul. 25, 2019 (New)
Ewes on vacation should remain healthy, but not become obese. Keeping them in a BCS of 1.5 to 2.0 will not be an easy chore because all they have to do is graze and deposit body fat. Limiting forage dry matter consumption to 2.0% of body weight daily through stocking rate management and rotational grazing is the best way to keep ewes from becoming excessively fat. If ewes have an optimum BCS at the beginning of nutritional flushing, and are flushed correctly, 95 to 98% of the ewes will conceive in a short period of the breeding season and lambing rate can be increased by 15 to 20% above that of less intensely managed ewes.
ASC-237: Breeding Habits of the Ewe
Debra Aaron, Don Ely | Dec. 7, 2018 (New)
Reproduction is the beginning of a series of significant events involved in the production of lambs for market. Obviously, the higher the reproduction rate in ewes, the greater the chances of achieving maximum profit. A knowledge of the mating (breeding) habits of the ewe can improve the chances for higher reproductive rates, marketing more pounds of lamb per ewe, increasing the efficiency of labor use, and ultimately increasing the chances of greater profit.
ASC-238: Beginning a Sheep Operation
Debra Aaron, Don Ely | Dec. 7, 2018 (New)
Kentucky has the resources required for successful sheep production systems. The state has a vast forage production potential, under-utilized labor and facilities, and access to a well-established market. Many Kentucky farmers should consider the sheep enterprise and its benefits, particularly if they want to make more efficient use of their forages, labor, and facilities. In developing this enterprise, the following must be considered: feed supply, labor, facilities and equipment, foundation stock, and the production system.
ASC-228: Body Condition Scoring Ewes
Debra Aaron, Don Ely | Aug. 25, 2017 (New)
Body condition scoring is a system of classifying breeding ewes on the basis of differences in body fat. While it is subjective, with practice it can be accurate enough to indicate the nutritional status of individual ewes as well as the entire flock. Thus, it allows the shepherd to identify, record, and adjust the feed intake of ewes determined to be thin, in average flesh, or fat. In the long run, this can save money for producers and/or prevent problems attributable to ewe condition.
ASC-221: Keeping and Using Flock Performance Records
Debra Aaron | Dec. 17, 2014 (New)
Performance records serve as the cornerstone of any good livestock management program. Unfortunately, the task of collecting, maintaining and using performance records is the one area of livestock production in general that gets the least attention. This fact sheet provides ten reasons why all sheep producers need to keep performance records on their flocks. Then, some ways of maintaining and using those records are discussed.
ASC-220: Basic Sheep Genetics
Debra Aaron | Dec. 16, 2014 (New)
Genetics is the science of heredity. It seeks to explain differences and similarities exhibited by related individuals. The application of genetics to livestock improvement is known as animal breeding. The objective of this fact sheet is to provide a refresher course on basic genetics and to show how knowledge of genetics can be used to improve sheep production.
ASC-223: Inbreeding in Sheep
Debra Aaron | Dec. 16, 2014 (New)
Inbreeding is broadly defined as the mating of individuals that are related. Strictly speaking, however, all animals within a breed are related. So, in a sense, every purebred sheep producer practices some degree of inbreeding. In most cases this relationship is very slight. Therefore, inbreeding is more practically defined as the mating of individuals more closely related than the average of the breed. This practice includes mating brother to sister, sire to daughter and son to dam.
ASC-224: Crossbreeding Considerations in Sheep
Debra Aaron | Dec. 16, 2014 (New)
Crossbreeding is the mating of individuals from different breeds. To a certain extent, it is a simple concept, but embarking upon a crossbreeding program, in sheep or any other livestock species, involves long-term decisions. The primary benefits of a crossbreeding program are heterosis and breed complementarity.
ASC-219: An Introduction to Sheep
Debra Aaron, Don Ely | Dec. 16, 2014 (New)
The information in this fact sheet was developed to provide a quick reference to the most frequently asked questions about sheep and sheep production.
ASC-222: Sheep Breeding: Heritability, EBVs, EPDs, and the NSIP
Debra Aaron | Dec. 16, 2014 (New)
Genetic improvement in a flock depends on the producer's ability to select breeding sheep that are genetically superior for traits of economic importance. This is complicated by the fact that an animal's own performance is not always a true indicator of its genetic potential as a parent.
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