Numbered Publications: PR
PR-639: Soybean Management Verification Program, 2011
Jim Herbek, Chad Lee, Amanda Martin, Lloyd Murdock | Feb. 24, 2012 (New)
The goal of SoyMVP is to verify applied research at the University of Kentucky and to identify whether University of Kentucky recommendations are adequate.
PR-631: 2011 Timothy and Kentucky Bluegrass Report
Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith | Dec. 23, 2011 (New)
Timothy (Phleum pratense) is the fourth most widely sown cool-season perennial grass used in Kentucky for forage after tall fescue, orchardgrass, and Kentucky bluegrass. It is a late-maturing bunchgrass that is primarily harvested as hay, particularly for horses. It can be used for grazing or wildlife habitat.
PR-634: 2011 Red and White Clover Grazing Tolerance Report
Joey Clark, Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Ray Smith | Dec. 23, 2011 (New)
Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is a high-quality, short-lived, perennial legume that is used in mixed or pure stands for pasture, hay, silage, green chop, soil improvement and wildlife habitat. This species is adapted to a wide range of climatic and soil conditions.
PR-630: 2011 Tall Fescue and Brome Report
David Ditsch, Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith | Dec. 23, 2011 (New)
Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) is a productive, well-adapted, persistent, soil-conserving, cool-season grass that is grown on approximately 5.5 million acres in Kentucky. This grass, used for both hay and pasture, is the forage base of most of Kentucky's livestock enterprises, particularly beef cattle.
PR-637: 2011 Summer Annual Grass Report
Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Ray Smith | Dec. 23, 2011 (New)
Summer annual grasses provide an important forage crop option for producers in Kentucky. These grasses are mainly used as emergency or supplemental hay and pasture crops, but little information is available on their yield potential. The purpose of this publication is to summarize the University of Kentucky 2007-2011 forage yield trials with sudangrass, sorghum/sudangrass, millets, and teff.
PR-632: 2011 Annual and Perennial Ryegrass and Festulolium Report
Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith | Dec. 23, 2011 (New)
Annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) are high-quality, productive cool-season grasses used in Kentucky. Both have exceptionally high seedling vigor and are highly palatable to livestock.
PR-635: 2011 Cool-Season Grass Grazing Tolerance Report
Joey Clark, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith | Dec. 23, 2011 (New)
Cool-season grasses such as tall fescue and orchardgrass are the primary pasture grasses in Kentucky. Other species such as perennial ryegrass, festulolium, and prairie brome can be used in pasture systems. Little is known about the effect of variety on the grazing tolerance of these cool-season grass species.
PR-638: 2011 Long-Term Summary of Kentucky Forage Variety Trials
Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Ray Smith | Dec. 23, 2011 (New)
This publication was developed to provide a user-friendly guide to choosing the best variety for producers based on a summary of forage yield and grazing tolerance trials conducted in Kentucky over the past 10 to 12 years.
PR-633: 2011 Alfalfa Grazing Tolerance Report
Joey Clark, Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Ray Smith | Dec. 23, 2011 (New)
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) is the highest yielding, highest quality forage legume grown in Kentucky. It forms the basis of Kentucky's cash hay enterprise and is an important component in dairy, horse, beef, and sheep diets.
PR-636: 2011 Cool-Season Grass Horse Grazing Tolerance Report
Garry Lacefield, Laurie Lawrence, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith | Dec. 23, 2011 (New)
Cool-season grasses such as bluegrass, tall fescue, and orchardgrass are dominant pasture grasses for horses in Kentucky. Variety evaluations for yield have been carried out for many years, but little work has been done to establish the effect of variety on persistence when subjected to close, continuous grazing by horses