Numbered Publications: PPFS-FR-S
PPFS-FR-S-18: Effectiveness of Fungicides for Management of Grape Diseases
Nicole Gauthier | Jul. 1, 2019 (Minor Revision)
This guide is a decision-making tool to help growers select fungicides from different chemical classes (FRAC). Additional information can be found in a number of UK Cooperative Extension Service publications, including ID-232, or by contacting county Extension agents.
PPFS-FR-S-21: Sample Fungicide Spray Schedule for Commercial Blueberry
Nicole Gauthier | Jul. 1, 2019 (Minor Revision)
A sample fungicide spray schedule for commercial blueberry growers (table).
PPFS-FR-S-24: Backyard Grape Disease, Pest, and Cultural Practices Calendar
Ric Bessin, Kimberly Leonberger, John Strang, Nicole Gauthier, Shawn Wright | Jul. 1, 2019 (Reviewed)
Backyard grape production requires a proactive approach to disease, insect, and weed management. Preventative practices are recommended to minimize inputs. While intensive culture may result in the highest quality fruit, reduced inputs can result in acceptable fruit with minor crop losses or aesthetic maladies. This guide focuses on preventative cultural practices with options of low-input pesticide applications. Refer to the homeowner fruit spray guide (ID-21) for a more complete pesticide spray schedule.
PPFS-FR-S-20: Commercial Grape Fungicide Schedule Worksheet and Sample Spray Guides
Nicole Gauthier | Apr. 1, 2019 (Minor Revision)
A fungicide schedule worksheet and two sample spray guides for commercial grape growers.
PPFS-FR-S-3: Blackberry Rosette (Double Blossom)
Michele Stanton, Nicole Gauthier | Dec. 1, 2017 (Major Revision)
Rosette disease, caused by the fungus Cercosporella rubi, is a serious and destructive disease of blackberries in most parts of Kentucky. In some locations, growers have been forced out of growing blackberries because of rosette disease.
PPFS-FR-S-17: Cane Diseases of Brambles
Daniel Becker, Nicole Gauthier | Nov. 1, 2017 (Major Revision)
Anthracnose can cause severe damage to blackberries, purple and black raspberries, and to a much lesser extent, red raspberries in Kentucky. When left unchecked, anthracnose can significantly reduce overall yields, as well as limit the longevity of bramble plantings. Disease also causes loss of winter hardiness.
PPFS-FR-S-22: Sample Fungicide Spray Schedule for Commercial Bramble
Nicole Gauthier | Apr. 1, 2016 (Reviewed)
A sample fungicide spray schedule for commercial bramble (table).
PPFS-FR-S-19: Blueberry Root Rot
Nicole Gauthier | May. 1, 2015 (New)
Blueberry is considered one of the most disease-free fruit crops in Kentucky. Many of the diseases that affect blueberry result in minor damage. However, the most common disease of blueberry, Phytophthora root rot, can cause severe dieback and often results in plant death. The causal agent of blueberry root rot is Phytophthora cinnamomi, a soilborne water mold that occurs world-wide and can infect a wide range of hosts, including woody ornamentals. Under optimal conditions, the pathogen proliferates, and disease symptoms occur.
PPFS-FR-S-16: Black Rot of Grape
Cheryl Kaiser, Nicole Gauthier | Oct. 1, 2012 (New)
Black rot is the most prevalent and one of the most important grape diseases in Kentucky. While this disease can affect all young developing plant tissues above ground, fruit infections are the most destructive. Without an adequate disease management program, both home and commercial vineyards suffer significant yield losses.
PPFS-FR-S-14: Fruit Rots of Grape
John Hartman, Cheryl Kaiser | Oct. 1, 2008 (New)
Kentucky's typically wet springs and warm, humid summers favor the development of several fruit rots of grape. These include anthracnose, bitter rot, black rot, Botrytis bunch rot, ripe rot, and sour rot.
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