Numbered Publications: Regulatory Services
RB-345: Seed Inspection Report, 2021
Steve McMurry | Mar. 30, 2022 (New)
The Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station's annual Seed Inspection Report provides results of the examination, analysis and tests of seed distributed and sampled in our state. It is intended to be useful to individuals interested in the evaluation of the quality of seeds distributed in Kentucky. The report represents the commitment of the staff at Regulatory Services to provide consumer protection and service related to Kentucky's seed industry.
RB-346: Annual Report Analyses of Official Fertilizer Samples July 2020 - June 2021
Steve McMurry | Jan. 12, 2022 (New)
This bulletin presents the results of the analysis of 2,484 official samples of commercial fertilizer taken during the period of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 by the field inspection staff. The samples represented approximately 51,145 tons of fertilizer out of the approximately 1,163,000 tons sold during this period. The Laboratory made 2,045 nitrogen, 1,530 phosphorus, 1,649 potassium, and 1355 secondary and minor element and certain other analyses on these samples. Table 1 shows the manufacturers whose product the field inspection staff sampled, along with the number of samples taken and the percentage of those samples that passed. Table 2 shows the detailed N, P2O5, and K2O analyses of samples of mixed fertilizers and fertilizer materials. Table 3 contains the results of secondary and minor element and certain other analyses. Table 4 shows the detailed N, P2O5, and K2O analyses of samples of mixed fertilizers and fertilizer material by grade. Table 5 is a listing of companies or licensees registered or licensed to sell fertilizer in Kentucky as of June 30, 2021.
RB-344: Commercial Feeds in Kentucky, 2020
Glen Harrison | Mar. 31, 2021 (New)
Kentucky's commercial feed law provides protection for the state's livestock, poultry, and pet owners by regulating all feed materials offered for sale or for mixing into a feed. Products falling under regulation include all types of pet foods, livestock minerals, complete animal and poultry feeds, protein or mineral blocks, supplements, feed ingredients, specialty materials such as drug premixes, vitamin and mineral supplements, liquid feeds, pet supplements, pet treats, and other specialized pet foods. The law does provide for exemptions for whole and unprocessed grain, raw meat, hay, straw, stover, silage, cobs, husks, and hulls when not processed. Information in this report is intended to inform the feed purchaser, provide a basis for fair and equitable competition, and assist in assuring the safety of animal and human food.
RB-343: Annual Report Analyses of Official Fertilizer Samples July 2019 - June 2020
Steve McMurry | Mar. 15, 2021 (New)
This bulletin presents the results of the analysis of 2,460 official samples of commercial fertilizer taken during the period of July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 by the field inspection staff. The samples represented approximately 48,500 tons of fertilizer out of the approximately 1,123,000 tons sold during this period. The Laboratory made 2,050 nitrogen, 1,649 phosphorus, 1,661 potassium, 1224 secondary and minor element, and certain other analyses on these samples. Table 1 shows the manufacturers whose product the field inspection staff sampled, along with the number of samples taken and the percentage of those samples that passed. Table 2 shows the detailed N, P2O5, and K2O analyses of samples of mixed fertilizers and fertilizer materials. Table 3 contains the results of secondary and minor element and certain other analyses. Table 4 shows the detailed N, P2O5, and K2O analyses of samples of mixed fertilizers and fertilizer materials by grade. Table 5 is a listing of companies or licensees registered or licensed to sell fertilizer in Kentucky as of June 30, 2020.
RB-342: Seed Inspection Report, 2020
Steve McMurry | Jan. 12, 2021 (New)
The Division of Regulatory Services is charged with administering the Kentucky Seed Law and Regulations, a "truth-in-labeling" law requiring basic labeling of seed components and quality factors to inform producers and consumers about the attributes of seed lots offered for sale in Kentucky. Our regulatory program protects the seed industry and consumers through inspection, sampling and analysis of seed products in Kentucky.
ID-263: Alternative Protein Sources for Cattle
Les Anderson, Darrh Bullock, Darrell Johnson, Kevin Laurent, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Katherine VanValin | Jul. 2, 2020 (New)
Kentucky has several bourbon distilleries and one fuel ethanol plant. The spent grains from the production of ethanol is utilized as a protein source in livestock feed. Shutdowns for fuel ethanol plants may also occur as a result of unfavorable profit margins when crude oil prices are low. Most distilleries and fuel ethanol plants will have a scheduled maintenance shutdown each year. During a shutdown, availability of distillers grains and other coproducts from these plants may be limited or unavailable. So, the question is what else can I feed in place of distillers grains?
RB-341: Commercial Feeds in Kentucky, 2019
Glen Harrison | Apr. 2, 2020 (New)
Kentucky's commercial feed law provides protection for the state's livestock, poultry, and pet owners by regulating all feed materials offered for sale or for mixing into a feed. Products falling under regulation include all types of pet foods, livestock minerals, complete animal and poultry feeds, protein or mineral blocks, supplements, feed ingredients, specialty materials such as drug premixes, vitamin and mineral supplements, liquid feeds, pet supplements, pet treats, and other specialized pet foods. The law does provide for exemptions for whole and unprocessed grain, raw meat, hay, straw, stover, silage, cobs, husks, and hulls when not processed. Information in this report is intended to inform the feed purchaser, provide a basis for fair and equitable competition, and assist in assuring the safety of animal and human food.
SR-112: Science of Hemp: Production and Pest Management, 2020
Bernadette Amsden, Samantha Anderson, Ric Bessin, Susan Fox, Nicole Gauthier, Ross Guffey, Tom Keene, Tyler Mark, Bob Pearce, Christopher Schardl, Jonathan Shepherd, Frank Sikora, Desiree Szarka, Raul Villanueva | Mar. 13, 2020 (New)
Hemp is grown for fiber, grain, and cannabinoid extraction in Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Until recently, Cannabis sativa has been classified as a Schedule 1 controlled substance in the US. The Agricultural Act of 2014 (Farm Bill) allowed for reintroduction of industrial hemp under a pilot research program. Acreage increases and addition of state legislation resulted in over 78,000 acres of hemp grown in 23 states by the end of 2018. Hemp became a legal commodity under the 2018 Farm Bill, and by the end of 2019, over 500,000 licensed acres were documented across 45 states. Canada re-introduced the crop in 1998, and in 2018, almost 78,000 acres of hemp were licensed and planted.
RB-340: Seed Inspection Report, 2019
Steve McMurry | Jan. 9, 2020 (New)
The Division of Regulatory Services is charged with administering the Kentucky Seed Law and Regulations, a "truth-in-labeling" law requiring basic labeling of seed components and quality factors to inform producers and consumers about the attributes of seed lots offered for sale in Kentucky. Our regulatory program protects the seed industry and consumers through inspection, sampling and analysis of seed products in Kentucky.
RB-339: Annual Report Analyses of Official Fertilizer Samples July 2018 - June 2019
Steve McMurry | Oct. 4, 2019 (New)
This bulletin presents the results of the analysis of 2,691 official samples of commercial fertilizer taken during the period of July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019 by the field inspection staff. The samples represented approximately 61,000 tons of fertilizer out of the approximately 1,058,000 tons sold during this period. The Laboratory made 2,206 nitrogen, 1,757 phosphorus, 1,871 potassium, and 1,371 secondary and minor element analyses on these samples. Table 1 shows the manufacturers whose product the field inspection staff sampled, along with the number of samples taken and the percentage of those samples that passed. Table 2 shows the detailed N, P2O5, and K2O analyses of samples of mixed fertilizers and fertilizer materials. Table 3 contains the results of secondary and minor element analyses. Table 4 is a listing of companies or licensees registered or licensed to sell fertilizer in Kentucky as of June 30, 2019.