Numbered Publications: Plant and Soil Sciences
AGR-212: Fertilizing Your Lawn
Gregg Munshaw | Jul. 22, 2014 (New)
Lawns require fertilizer to remain healthy. Proper fertilization practices will lead to a thick, dark green, uniform lawn that is competitive against weed and disease invasions. The nutrients contained in fertilizers are necessary to support many processes occurring within the plants. If any essential nutrient is limiting, the plants will not perform at their highest level.
AGR-214: Liming Kentucky Lawns
Gregg Munshaw, Edwin Ritchey | Jul. 22, 2014 (New)
Most homeowners desire an aesthetically pleasing landscape and will take steps to ensure success. Proper fertilizing, watering, and pest control are all steps that will lead to a quality lawn. However, some confusion surrounds when and why lime should be applied to a lawn. Many homeowners believe that lime needs to be applied on an annual basis for a quality lawn. The purpose of this publication is to explain why lime is needed and whether it is required on your lawn.
PR-674: 2014 Kentucky Small Grains Variety Performance Test
Bill Bruening, Anthony Clark, John Connelly, Ron Curd, Gene Olson, Sandy Swanson, Dave Sanford | Jul. 11, 2014 (New)
The objective of the Kentucky small-grain variety performance test is to evaluate varieties of wheat, oat, and barley that are commercially available or may soon be available to Kentucky farmers. New varieties are continually being developed by agricultural experiment stations and commercial firms. Annual evaluation of small-grain varieties and selections provides farmers, seed producers, and other agricultural workers with current information to help them select the varieties best adapted to their locality and individual requirements.
ID-221: Fescue Toxicosis
Michelle Arnold, Cynthia Gaskill, Ray Smith | Jul. 3, 2014 (New)
"Fescue toxicosis" is the general term used for the clinical diseases that can affect cattle consuming endophyte-infected tall fescue. Tall-fescue pastures containing ergot alkaloids are responsible for the toxic effects observed in livestock, including hyperthermia (elevated body temperature), gangrene of the extremities, decreased weight gain, and poor reproductive performance. Clinical signs vary depending on the cattle, the environmental conditions, and the level and duration of the exposure. Early clinical signs are often reversible after removal from contaminated pastures or hay.
HENV-205: Residential Rain Garden: Design, Construction, Maintenance
Rick Durham, Brad Lee, Brad Lee, Ashley Osborne | May. 1, 2014 (New)
This publication covers the design, construction, and maintenance of residential ran gardens. Rain gardens are one of several stormwater management practices that homeowners can use to reduce their property's negative impact on water quality and flooding.
AGR-213: Soybean Nutrient Management in Kentucky
John Grove, Carrie Knott, Chad Lee, Edwin Ritchey | Apr. 24, 2014 (New)
Soybean grows best on fertile soils. For decades, the University of Kentucky has conducted field studies to establish the relationship between soil nutrient supplies and soybean yield. Adequate soil fertility must be present so that yields are not limited.
ID-220: Cyanide Poisoning in Ruminants
Michelle Arnold, Cynthia Gaskill, Garry Lacefield, Ray Smith | Apr. 21, 2014 (New)
Cyanide poisoning of livestock is commonly associated with johnsongrass, sorghum-sudangrass, and other forage sorghums. Choke-cherry or wild cherry, elderberry, and arrow grass are less frequent causes. Young plants, new shoots, and regrowth of plants after cutting often contain the highest levels of cyanogenic glycosides. The risk from potentially dangerous forages may be reduced by following the management practices in this publication.
AGR-211: Calibrating Fertilizer Spreaders for the Home Lawn
Gregg Munshaw | Mar. 25, 2014 (New)
How much fertilizer should you use on your lawn? Too much can result in turf burn, wasted product and money, and potential environmental concerns. Too little will result in a low-density lawn that will not be attractive or competitive against weed invasions. To insure that you apply the proper amount of fertilizer to your lawn, you must calibrate your fertilizer spreader. You should calibrate your spreader each time you use a new (different) fertilizer because not all fertilizers have the same particle size or density. The information on the fertilizer bag is a good starting point for the calibration process but remember that spreaders can differ significantly. Calibrating your spreader will take a little bit of work, but the series of fairly simple steps below will help you complete the task.
AGR-210: Fertilizer Management in Alfalfa
David Ditsch, Lloyd Murdock, Edwin Ritchey, Greg Schwab | Jan. 8, 2014 (New)
Alfalfa is a high quality, valuable forage crop that can be successfully produced on most well-drained soils in Kentucky for hay, silage, and grazing. Fertilizing alfalfa can be uniquely challenging because it is a high-yielding crop that removes a tremendous amount of soil nutrients when compared to other crops grown in Kentucky. A thorough understanding of alfalfa's growth habits, nutrient requirements, and soil nutrient supply mechanisms is necessary to effectively manage fertilizer inputs and maximize profitability while minimizing environmental impact.
SR-105: 2012 Beef Research and Extension Report
Glen Aiken, Les Anderson, Darrh Bullock, Roy Burris, Lowell Bush, J.R. Bussard, Andrew Foote, Ben Goff, David Harmon, V.B. Holder, Isabelle Kagan, Nicole Kenney, D.H. Kim, S.E. Kitts, Jim Klotz, Anne Koontz, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Kyle McLeod, Jim Strickland, Eric Vanzant, Bill Witt | Jan. 7, 2014 (New)
The intent of this report is to provide highlights of our research and extension activities. We have a vested interest in the beef industry in the state and nation, and hope this report provides a window into our programs. We believe that after viewing this report, a greater appreciation will be garnered with respect to our involvement in the multiple fields of study related to beef production. The faculty, staff and student activities are advancing our understanding of basic science principles of livestock production as well as applied research that producers and the industry can benefit from immediately, as well as in the future. Extension educational programs, on-farm demonstrations, and other activities aid in transferring this knowledge to producers, allowing for increased awareness and adoption of management change.